Pagan Stuff

Pagan Gods and Idol Worship
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Satan's loves to hide the truth with a counterfeit lie. The ancient near east trios of head gods are the devil's counterfeit for the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
The configuration of the family of gods is consistent in the traditional religions of each of the nations [ancient near east]. There is a father, mother and son who align themselves in the following way:
The Figure below lists the names of the family members in each of the nations. In some of the nations there are successive generations of family. Or there are territorial variations.
- Martha Reimer, "It's the Name Above All Names", unpublished manuscript - referenced by permission
They’re doing it again!
The same group that recreated the Roman triumphal arch that once welcomed travelers to the Temple of Baal is now honoring another pagan deity.
The United Arab Emirates, the Italian mission to the United Nations and the Institute for Digital Archeology have re-created a statue of the goddess Athena which once stood in Palmyra, according to Breaking Israel News.
Though Athena was venerated as a goddess of reason, she was also known as “Athena Promachos,” a war goddess, and the re-created statue features her holding a spear. The exhibit, titled “The Spirit In the Stone,” is being hosted at the United Nations headquarters in New York City.
It’s another move by globalist organizations to honor pagan deities, months after the reconstructed “Arch of Baal” went on a world tour, including being placed outside the G7 meeting of the world’s industrialized nations.
“Most people today don’t realize how much of a hold ancient pagan beliefs, practices and images still have on their lives,” said Joseph Farah, author of “The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.” “In fact, pagan values and traditions have never left us. Even Jews and Christians are impacted by them. And they are not innocent because the gods of paganism are actually demons, according to the Bible. It’s not something to be played with.
“The question confronting us right now is: Why would the United Nations be involved in resurrecting these occult images and icons of the past? Do they not understand what this represents – the false gods of child sacrifice and all kinds of abominations and perversions?”
Joe Kovacs, author of “Shocked By The Bible 2,” says the whole sad spectacle is part of an old story.
“The promotion of pagan gods is certainly nothing new, and it again shows we’re all living in what I call ‘Opposite World,'” he explained. “It’s a world where most people do the very opposite action of what God has instructed. Our Creator tells us to have no other gods but Him, but folks do the opposite, honoring false gods.
“The Bible says Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived, built shrines to pagan gods such as Molech, a pagan god to whom people would burn their children alive in fires. It’s just sickening. Even God-fearing Christians today don’t realize they’re doing the very opposite of God’s instructions when they decorate trees with silver and gold and stand them up in their homes and churches every December. God personally says in the tenth chapter of Jeremiah not to do that precise heathen custom, and yet people have been tricked into decorating trees with all sorts of silver tinsel, gold garland and hanging ornaments, and they have no scriptural basis for it. For those interested in eternal life, we need to wake up and start obeying the instructions of our Maker, and stop all this pagan worthlessness.”
Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn, best known for his New York Times bestseller “The Harbinger,” believes this strange revival in the promotion of pagan gods has deep theological significance.
He noted Athena was associated with the Semitic mother goddess Asherah, whose shrines God commands to be destroyed in Deuteronomy 12. Cahn also claimed the goddess was sometimes merged with Ashtoreth, the consort of Baal in some traditions. Thus, there is a relationship between the new statue being displayed at the U.N. and the sinister arch which was displayed all over the world
“The reappearance of the gods is an amazing phenomenon,” he said. “Not long ago, the image of the Hindu god of destruction, Kali, appeared on the Empire State building. Then the Arch of the Temple of the god Baal was built in New York City. Recently, a massive idol of the god Shiva was displayed on the Washington Mall along with that of a seven-headed dragon. And now the idol of Athena appears in the United Nations.
“The mystery of ‘The Paradigm’ and ‘The Harbinger’ is that what transpired in the last days of ancient Israel before its judgment is now manifesting before our eyes. We are replaying an ancient judgment cycle. One of the manifestations that took place in ancient Israel before its destruction was the appearance throughout the land of the gods, their idols, their altars, their images. That the images of the gods are now manifesting throughout America is an ominous sign. We are replaying the judgment drama.
“When Israel turned away from God, it turned to false gods and idols. So when a nation that has once known God turns away from Him, it always turns to other gods. It may not call them gods or idols, but the reality is the same. America was founded on the word of God. And inasmuch as it followed the ways of God, it has been blessed above any other nation in the modern world. But inasmuch as it has turned from its God and His ways, it has turned to other gods and idols. And unless it turns back, unless it sees revival, it will progress to judgment.”
Pastor Bill Cloud, author of “Esau Rising,” also noted the significance of the relationship between Baal and the pagan goddess now being honored.
“I find it interesting that this latest reconstruction is of a goddess that was often linked with Baal in the Scriptures,” he said. “Most notably, this connection is seen in the confrontation Elijah had with the prophets of Baal and Ashteroth on Mount Carmel. It was there that Elijah challenged the nation to decide who they were going to serve – Baal or the God of Israel. I would suggest that the same ultimatum is being delivered to America.
“Who are you going to serve? I also found it interesting that observers are noting that where Christianity is receding, paganism is growing. This actually reflects a very important biblical principle. When a person, family or nation is devoid of the presence of God, another presence – an evil and oppressive spirit – will fill that void.
“In the Gospels, Messiah spoke of what happens when an evil spirit goes out of a man who does not allow himself to be filled with Presence of God. The unclean spirit will eventually seek to reinhabit that empty ‘house,’ bringing with him seven other spirits more wicked than he is. I fear that if we, as a nation, do not take advantage of the reprieve we have been granted – and by that I mean if we do not experience a spiritual renewal, these kinds of spirits and entities will become prevalent in our society.”
Some pastors also see last-days significance in how images of paganism and the demonic seem to be constantly promoted. Pastor Carl Gallups, who examines how prophecy is lining up with current events in his book “When The Lion Roars,” calls the Athena statue “prophetically ominous.”
“The Bible warns us that in the days before the return of Christ, there would be an unprecedented demonic outpouring,” Gallups told WND. “We are the first generation to live in the days of instantaneous communication and information technologies connecting the entire globe. The demonic have a stage like never before. And now the ‘gods’ are parading out their images, manipulating and using human agents to do so. The ‘gods’ are behind the ‘thrones’ of earthly powers. Satan is furious, he knows his time is short, as Revelation 12 says.”
Gallups warns Christians not to dismiss the appearance of these pagan symbols as simply happenstance or as a tribute to history.
“There’s no doubt in my mind that there is a demonic agenda behind the currents of what we are observing in the political earthly realm. Some might claim that it is just ‘historical recognition’ of these ‘artifacts.’ But the truth is that the first two commandments of God’s Word forbid humanity from doing such a thing – even though fallen man has persisted in the practice anyway. Today, for the first time in human history, they can ‘worship’ the idols of the ‘gods’ and the whole planet can see it and participate in it at the same time.”
Gallups says the statue is just another example in what has become a torrent of last-days signs.
“This is truly prophetic,” he said. “With Jerusalem having been just recognized as the capital of Israel, the ramping up of even more demonic outpouring will not surprise me in the least. We are living in the most prophetic times since the first coming of Jesus Christ. Sadly, so much of today’s church, especially in the United States, is completely missing what is happening right before our eyes.”
Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries concurred, arguing even secular organizations are toying with demonic forces when they create tributes to paganism.
“These outfits are basically secular and perhaps don’t even understand the concept of pagan deities,” she observed. “There is likely more of a money motive, but there is also a greater ‘last days’ zeal for dark things, driven by the prince of darkness known as Satan.
“I believe the ‘god of this age’ – Satan – is behind the promotion and spread of paganism. He is making inroads wherever he can. The occult is soaring in popularity.”
The solution to the rising prominence of the occult, argues Markell, should be a new openness to discussing topics such as paganism and the paranormal in churches.
“Most Christians are sadly not informed about occult, paranormal and pagan concepts and ideas,” she said. “The pulpits today do not speak of this as such topics will not fill pews and offering plates. Many pastors do not wish to present anything but soft issues to make their people feel good. How does the average Christian learn of this unless they are plugged into solid news outlets and ministries telling the truth, since most churches won’t?”
And as paganism is increasingly promoted by some of the most powerful organizations in the world, Markell says the time for education and action is now. “There could be dreadful consequences if they don’t become more aware,” she warns.
WND, “Ancient Pagan 'gods' Reappearing Around World”, December 10, 2017,