Mission Statement

Our Vision and Mission
The Children's Bread Ministries exists to teach Christians to know and believe by faith the transforming truth of God’s word. It is essential for every believer to know their new identity in Christ and how to biblically resolve personal and spiritual conflicts which hold them back from experiencing abundant life in Christ.
The Christian life is a growth process toward maturity, resulting in Christ-likeness. When you got saved, no one instantly hit a reset button in your life. You came into this new relationship with wrong ways of thinking, ingrained through patterns, and spiritual baggage of lies and unforgiveness.
The bible describes this growth process in 1 John 2 as growing from
- a LITTLE CHILD who simply knows his sins are forgiven, toward
- a YOUNG MAN who is strong with the word of God abiding in him and overcoming the devil, and lastly as
- a FATHER who has experienced the transforming relationship with God and is reproducing other spiritual children.
( Also see: Spiritual Growth for a deeper look )
The road map for a Christian's transformation journey can be listed in order by these spiritual growth destinations
- Knowing for certain that you are a child of God
- Knowing and believing your new identity in Christ
- Establishing a biblical world view of God and our spiritual enemies
- Resolving personal and spiritual conflicts through genuine faith and repentance
- Learning to take thoughts captive and daily renew your mind with God’s Word
Our classes and one-on-one discipleship are designed to follow this route to spiritual maturity. Our goal is to help you discover your identity, purpose, and abundant life found only in Christ.
The Children's Bread Ministries is a Christ-centered, fully independent, non-denominational ministry to individuals and churches in greater Asheville, North Carolina area. Our vision is to see “Every Believer in the greater Asheville area "Living as a Free and Fruitful Disciple of Jesus."
The mission of The Children's Bread Ministries3 is two-fold:
- to help individual Christians to experience freedom and fruitfulness as a disciple of Jesus, and
- to help the local church develop a proven strategy of discipleship based on solid biblical truths and train disciple-makers for the work of the ministry.
The Children's Bread Ministries uses the Freedom in Christ (FICM www.ficm.org) approach to discipleship that has proven effective for nearly 30 years here in the U.S. as well as around the world. It teaches the life transforming truths of the Bible in a manner that people are able to understand and apply to their daily lives.
The Children's Bread Ministries hosts small group courses, one-on-one discipleship, and individual Steps to Freedom Appointments.