
Report Card


Spiritual Report Card

Based on 1 John 2:12-14 this Report Card is one of many similar ones - it is a starting place to help you explore your spiritual progress in Christ.


Christian Spiritual Report Card

Spiritual Children

Young Men & Women


New Birth









▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Reading & Praying

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Biblical Skills

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


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School of the Prophets

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▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Church Planting

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Spiritual Parentage

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Release from Death

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Standing Alone

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

New Relationships

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Spiritual Warfare

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Financial Freedom

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Work Skills

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


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▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


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▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Baptism of HS

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Brotherly Love

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Small Groups

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Fruit of the Spirit

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Bronze Wall

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Leadership Training

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


Single Hearted

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Spiritual Gifts

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Pastoral Care

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


Self Esteem

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Spiritual Armor

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA



▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Bible Notebook

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA



▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


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▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA

Social Services

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


Goal Setting

▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


▢1 ▢2 ▢3 ▢SA


1 = Area is known to you

2 = Area has been experienced but in an inconsistent manner

3 = Area is experienced consistently

SA = Area needs Special Attention

Pray for God’s help in evaluating yourself. Check 1 or 2 or 3 or SA for each area. Use this as a guide for improvement.

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Report Card Definitions

  or click on Titles

Salvation - Various scriptures show that each of these characteristics are an essential part of salvation. Taken together, they are the beginning of the Christian walk.

1. Repentance - A spiritual experience with the Holy Spirit in which we become aware of our sins and shortcomings from God's point of view.

2. Restitution - Repaying financial sins from the past or seeking release from them. A demonstration of our relationship to money versus the kingdom of God.

3. Covenant - Making a formal commitment with God through Jesus Christ, accepting the offer of salvation and accepting the two major stipulations of obedience and holiness or loving God and loving your neighbor.

4. Fellowship - A relationship between born again persons and the heavenly Father and secondarily a relationship between redeemed persons. Such a relationship is defined by light and holiness. A lifestyle of righteousness.

5. Discipleship - A working, training relationship in which disciples are called to follow Jesus and accept his lifestyle. Such a relationship may involve persons with delegated authority who provide formation and information.

6. Baptism - A public sealing of covenant through water baptism. A confession of the heavenly Father before men.

7. Worship - The inward ability to love God, desiring to be with him and give him thanks, respect and adoration. A spiritual relationship.

8. Tithing - Worship of God rather than Mammon or Money. Loving God with our substance.

9. Love - The ability to love God as Father, demonstrating our obedience to his requirements. The result of his love in us is to be able to love one another.

10. Obedience - The spiritual fulfillment of God's instructions as children listening to and retaining their Father's voice.

11. Holiness - Separation from evil, spiritual uncleanness, wickedness, etc. either in action or thought.

12. Forgiveness - The ability to be forgiven for our sins and to forgive others for their sins against us.

Recovery - The church's ministry of deliverance, healing, restoration, correction lining in a young Christian's life. The goal is to heal the brokenhearted and i whole person.

1. Authority - The healing of authority relationships in our life so that we can accept and submit to legal and righteous authority - whether it be spiritual, governmental, parental or ecclesiastical.

2. Safety - The removal of physical or spiritual terror so that God can impart love, power and a sound mind.

3. Healing - The recovery of broken bodies through spiritual and physical means. This involves the miraculous and convalescent types of healing.

4. Deliverance - Freedom from addictions, obsessions, vexations, oppression, phobias, fixations, etc. through the name of Jesus and because of the cross work of Jesus. Freedom from identifiable demons.

5. Spiritual Parentage - Coming out of the parenting effects of the Queen of Heaven, Antichrist and natural family as deliverance from principalities and powers.

6. Release From Death - Release of the captives and sight to the blind, those sitting in darkness. Breaking the yoke of sin, lifting the oppression, breaking the bars, taking out of the pit, taking off the grave clothes, coming out of the grave, etc.

7. New Relationships - Spiritual relationship in God's family and a redefinition of relationships toward the world and the past.

8. Financial Freedom - Addictive behaviors toward debt. Credit and financial sins broken and replaced with responsible behaviors that build a good credit history and flexibility to obey God.

9. Faith - A relationship with God built on promise and fulfillment of those promises. Identifying which promises we claim and living accordingly. The faith (fullness) of Christ is defined by covenant love.

10. Hope - The expectation associated with promise. The scriptural hope has to do with the second coming of Christ. Our hopes include fulfillment of short range goals.

11. Holy Spirit Baptism - The filling of the Holy Spirit in a temporary or permanent manner to give courage, skill, boldness, gifts and grace to perform God's works. May be evidenced by tongues, prophecy or other evidences

12. Fruit of the Spirit - The growth of Christian character in life. The result of sanctification in our behaviors. The result of a spiritual tree that is fed and watered.

13. Single-Hearted - All of the heart united in purpose and commitment so that double-mindedness and internal conflict are overcome.

14. Self-Esteem - The ability to love oneself with a proper self-assessment of one's development and God's measure of gifting.

15. Honesty - The removal of falsehood as a strong man and preparing to speak the truth. A precursor of deliverance in identifying sin and removal from the Father of Lies.

16. Patience - The growing ability to wait for God's answers and provisions. Forbearance toward our own shortcomings and the faults of others. Overcoming the frustrations of sinful flesh.

17. Mercy - Going beyond the demands of justice and forgiveness to demonstrate the law of love and the frailty of human flesh.

18. Goal Setting - The willingness to live for today and tomorrow.

Growth - Accepting the yoke of Christ and growing into the understanding and practice of God's ways.

1. Reading and Praying - The consistent habit of eating spiritually and communicating with God in a dependent and loving way. The single greatest means of obtaining spiritual life in a daily manner.

2. Biblical Skills - The ability to locate scripture, determine its meaning, extrapolate applications, answer questions and build a Biblical theology.

3. Education - Learning mental and physical skills through school, apprenticeship, books, teachers, etc. inasmuch as God has permitted or called.

4. Disciplines - Building godly habits and characteristics so that the flesh is limited and spirituality is emphasized. Self-control of flesh, mind, tongue, appetite, etc. The consistent practice of God's requirements.

5. Perseverance - The ability to continue beyond pleasure and comfort through pain and disappointment until the desired results are achieved. Looking to the author and finisher of our faith for the reward and goal set before us.

6. Separation - A definition of holiness - set apart for God and therefore distanced from the immoralities of this present age. Not the same as asceticism or isolation. A distinction between the holy and the profane.

7. Spiritual Warfare - Success in resisting the devil, overcoming temptation, using scripture as a sword. The skill in becoming personally free or the ability to set another free from oppression.

8. Work Skills - Learned skills; attention to timeliness, cleanness, detail, instructions, completion, etc. The ability to work under authority and having authority.

9. Health - Establishing health through good food, rest, exercise, environment, and medical attention. Avoiding destructive habits and appetites. Aiming for attractive appearance within godly means.

10. Self-Control - The indwelling Holy Spirit helping us to control the fleshly cravings that lead to sin. The ability to follow our stated desires for righteousness in our eyes, minds, stomach, money, fun, drink, behavior and sleep.

11. Godliness - The spiritual character of responding to good and bad situations in the same grace or power that Jesus did.

12. Discernment - The spiritual ability to distinguish the origin of a behavior, action or word as to whether it is of human, divine or demonic inspiration.

13. Spiritual Gifts - Experiencing temporary or permanent use of the nine spiritual gifts listed in 1 Cor. 12:8-10.

14. Spiritual Armor - The recognition and application of armor in spiritual warfare as described in Eph. 6.

15. Fasting - The practice of abstaining, usually from food, for the purpose of prayer. Ability to distinguish between voluntary and called fast.

16. Recreation - Experience in family vacation, camping, outings where free time can be an adventure with righteousness.

17. Failures - A significant death of vision, false direction, financial loss, betrayal, weakness, etc. in which recovery or perseverance is carried through to victory or stability.

18. Conscience - Training in right and wrong from scripture.

Testing - Every ministry must be given time and adversity to check its character, faithful in small things before being given great things and being faithful with natural things before being given spiritual things are two major tests.

1. Family - Prayer care for the immediate members of the household. Accepting the family as our first and most important disciples. Treating our family as potential brothers and sisters in Christ.

2. Disciples - Prayer and care of those persons put under our supervision in order to better become followers of Christ. Aiding the formation of Christian character in those persons asking for our help. Proving faithful in God's house.

3. Missions - Acknowledging the need for Christ in every nation, tribe and village and willing to be sent or send others with the gospel. Praying for and facili-tating evangelistic works beginning at home and extending to the uttermost parts of the earth.

4. Outreach - Special witness events including neighborhood clubs, visitation, concerts, convalescent homes, hospital chaplaincy, school clubs, etc.

5. Helps - Physical aid toward those who cannot help themselves or need further help. Adding skill and labor toward individuals or projects that contribute toward the kingdom of God.

6. Standing Alone - The ability of being the only person out of a group to take a stand for what is right. Not following the crowd in doing wrong.

7. Work - Independent tasks that are completed to the employer's satisfaction. The ability to work in a team and to work consistently.

8. Assignments - Accepting tasks, no matter how unsatisfactory, and completing them to the best of one's ability. Includes phone work, paper tasks, research, errands, driving, set ups, packaging, etc.

9. Giving - Financial ability to steward money, manage wisely, and to give funds under the Holy Spirit's direction.

10. Compassion - Demonstration of mercy toward the hungry, homeless, poor, fatherless, sick, etc., giving the "cup of cold water" in Jesus' name.

11. Brotherly Love - A fulfillment of the second commandment in which we treat other Christians as the family of Christ and seek to live at peace and in holiness with them.

12. Bronze Wall - The boldness and tenacity from the Holy Spirit to confront sin, unholiness, perversion, falsehood, etc., without giving way to the fear of man.

13. Guidance - Determining God's perfect will for one's life using the tools and criteria that God has provided: scripture, prophecy, illumination, inner peace and sometimes circumstance.

14. Intercession - The servant life of praying for others. A ministry of bearing burdens, acting out parables, fasting, weeping and singing. Speaking words publicly when directed to do so.

15. Bible Notebook - A ministry discipline of creating a Bible study notebook with tabs of specific interest or training spanning a reading of the entire Bible. A parallel task would be to create a journal in a diary form showing questions, insights, prayers, answers, thanksgiving, etc.

16. Communication - A form of submission to those in authority by reporting back in a complete and systematic manner the progress of the work or assignment. Avoids hiding, incomplete answers and antichrist "mine" attitudes.

17. Persecutions - A history of serving Christ in the midst of persecutions, betrayals, hatreds, slander, libel, bad reputation, etc., without shrinking back in fear or retreat. Being able to distinguish between righteous and unrighteous persecutions. Not using persecution as a pretext or excuse for sin.

18. Conviction - Standing firm in scripture after unexpected results.

Maturity / Ministry - The goal of our Christian walk is to grow up into Christ, becoming like him every way. Specifically we seek to fulfill our ministry function with life so that we spiritually reproduce the body of Christ in the next generation. In many, the mature ministry will be given an office to fulfill.

1. Preaching - A compelling call to preach the gospel to every creature at every opportunity. Understanding the supernatural ability of the gospel to convict sinful man in the heart while passing the question of the mind. A mature life is needed to avoid hypocrisy.

2. Evangelism - The preaching, teaching, servant life outreach to the lost with the gospel's message of forgiveness of sins and covenant with Christ.

3. School of Prophets - The training of those born and called to be prophets in disciplines of prayer, fasting, speak gifts, guidance, etc. as they exhort covenant people about the stipulations of covenant. A discipline of "running" and "speaking” under God's direction and authority. A separated life to intercede between God and man.

4. Church Planting - The apostolic work or apostolic/ prophetic task of creating new church "colonies" built on a foundation of Jesus Christ. Church government is appointee instruction in holy living is given. Spiritual warfare is undertaken to create a sanctuary for the new congregation.

5. Publications - The task of deciphering language, writing language, printing Scripture, distributing Scripture, printing Christian teaching, theology and biography. Understanding the pen is more powerful than the sword.

6. Education - The teaching ministry of the church seeking to instruct disciples in the precepts of godly living, Christian teaching and practice, historical background, future events; ways of God in general. Such ministries may express themselves in the home, schools, seminaries and government as well a« local church.

7. Prayer - As a full time ministry, prayer involves worship, petitioning, interceding, thanksgiving, communing, listening spiritual gifts, prayer notebooks, teachings on prayer, spiritual warfare, discernment, crying out, groanings, tongues, tears, imparting, disciplines, and separations.

8. Music - As a ministry, music includes worship leading, instrument playing, music writing, music teaching, singing, special groups, concerts, disciplines, lessons, arrangements, adaptations, chorales, etc. Spiritual music is equated with prophesy.

9. Administration - The ability to comprehend, organize and oversee the business affairs of church, ministry and schools. As a ministry in the church, it is part of church government. In the counseling office, it is the ability to identify problems and outline solutions in an orderly manner.

10. Counseling - The ability to bring God's wisdom to problem solving and goal planning. Biblical skill toward understanding conflicts in marriage, youth, career, parental and other life relationships. Preparation for spiritual warfare and discipleship.

11. Small Groups - The ability to guide small groups toward discovery of truth. Shepherding a Bible study, home group, campus group, neighborhood club, age group, etc., toward a healthy relationship with God and scripture.

12. Leadership Training - Identifying God's criteria for strength and grace of leadership. Understanding that many are called but few are chosen. The skill of spiritual parenting or discipleship or schooling or apprenticeship that grows a designated leader into a man or woman of responsibility, accountability integrity of character, perseverance and love.

13. Pastoral Care - The shepherding grace of caring for God's flock with the tasks of feeding, protecting and healing. Usually associated with the skills of teaching and governing. Cares for the sheep with justice and searches after the lost and injured.

14. Missions - Making use of full time and short term missionary source. Some are called to the preaching and teaching mission while others work in translation, medical services, food and child services, mechanical services, agricultural services, transportation, etc.

15. Healing - As a ministry, healing would involve full time commitment to prayer, fasting, teaching, and preaching to the infirm. As a commitment to vocation healing may also involve ministering in health services in the name of Jesus.

16. Government - Governing God's people as pastors, elders, deacons, and committee heads using spiritual gifts and spiritual fruit to bless the people. As a vocational commitment, this ministry may extend to the secular realms of service done justice and righteousness.

17. Social Services - The spiritual commitment to care for widows, orphans, children, poor, ill, alien, jobless, homeless and all need a helping hand to establish their contributing position society and in the kingdom of God.

Gordon H. Powlison. Discipleship Curriculum. (Gordon H. Powlison and Associates, unpublished), 138-150.

Another excellent guided, step by step, report card style resourse is The Steps to Freedom in Christ by Dr. Neil Anderson.

