
Key Truths

Key Biblical Truths to Remember

Spiritual warfare is not a power encounter but a truth encounter.

You are not a sinner because you sin, you are a saint, declared righteous by God, who sins.

Your identity does not come from what you have done - your identity comes from what God has done for you.

Your identity does not come from what people say about you - your identity comes from what God says about you.

Your behavior does not tell you what to believe about yourself - your belief about yourself determines your behavior.

No one will consistently act in a manner that is contrary to how they see themselves.

Humbly submit to God, Resist the Devil, and he WILL flee from you. James 4:6-7

Everyone has faith; it is just a matter of who or what your faith is in.

Fear is expecting the Devil to work. Faith is expecting God to work.

Satan's biggest weapon is deception because you don't know you are deceived.

FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real

Path to Freedom: Real → Feel → Deal → Heal