

Important Christian Definitions


  • good news; in particular the good news about the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ and the salvation we can have when we truly decide to make Jesus our Lord and Saviour


  • [Greek] anointed one, chosen one, Jesus Christ the Son of God


  • [Hebrew] anointed one, chosen one, Jesus Christ the Son of God


Baptism - Water

Baptism - Holy Spirit

Death - Physical

  • when the physical body dies and the soul and spirit leave the body and await the judgment day of God

Death - Spiritual

  • separation from God due to our unrepentant sin against God and man;  it can only be removed in Christ

Eternal Life

  • a personal father-child relationship with our Heavenly Father established by faith in Jesus Christ and maintained through love which will last for eternity


  • [Greek: pistis] faith, belief, trust, confidence; what is of prime importance is who or what we primarily place our faith in - by God's design it should be God


  • [Greek: agape] sacrificial love; God's love; giving freely, without expecting anything in return


  • [Hebrew: qodesh] apartness, holiness, sacredness, separateness;   apartness, sacredness, holiness - of God, of places, of things;   set-apartness, separateness
  • [Greek: hagios] holy, set apart





  • [Greek: dunamis] power; often used to denote the power of God;   miracles


  • [Greek] the Word of God, or principle of divine reason and creative order, identified in the Gospel of John with the second person of the Trinity incarnate in Jesus Christ.


  • [Greek] a word that is spoken and means “an utterance.” A rhema is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction. 




Seven Deadly Sins


  • materialism; lusting after what someone else has; putting something or someone in a higher position of importance than God; keeping up with the Joneses (or neighbors); God's word says that it is idolatry which is the worship of anything other than God

Anxiety / Worry / Fear

  • not trusting in God to take care of our needs; not trusting God to deliver us from evil; there is no fear in perfect love


  • spiritual beings created by God to serve God and mankind; those that followed Satan are evil



  • If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)  God already knows what we have done but He is not able to forgive us or release us from spiritual bondage until we acknowledge it from our own mouth.


  • renouncing the hidden things of shame in our life is a declaration before God that we chose to see sin as God sees sin; we are saying that our sin or the sins of our ancestors is wrong, evil, wicked, etc.

True Repentance

  • having a godly sorrow for our sin and choosing to turn away from our sin (2 Cor 7:10-11);  180 degree turn - going the other way; true repentance is a gift from God (2 Tim 2:25);  True repentance must involve our whole heart - mind, emotions, will (our entire soul) and conscience (part of our spirit)




  • the character of God formed in us after discipline; involves holiness, loyalty ,trustworthiness, faith ,joy ,and peace; the fear of God, which is an attitude of reverence and awe, veneration and honor toward him, coupled with an apprehension deep within our souls of the love of God for us, demonstrated preeminently in the atoning death of Christ


  • means "to buy out" - used specifically in reference to the purchase of a slave’s freedom;  our redemption is in Christ who bought our salvation by dying on the cross in our place and shedding his blood for us - the life is in the blood (Lev 17:11,14, Heb 9:22, 1 John 1:7).


  • the word propitiation carries the basic idea of appeasement or satisfaction, specifically toward God. Propitiation is a two-part act that involves appeasing the wrath of an offended person and being reconciled to him.

Mind vs Brain


Special Information

When reading the New Testament remember to read it in the context of a 1st century AD Jew, and remember that their scripture was the Old Testament and letters from the apostles.  When reading any Scripture remember to ask, "How does this passage relate to the rest of the Bible?".

Exegesis [ < Greek exègeisthai (to interpret) < ex- (out) + hègeisthai (to lead). Related to English 'seek'.] Definition: To interpret a text by way of a thorough analysis of its content. When you do exegesis, you are an exegete who is exegeting the text. What you are doing is described as being exegetical. In its most basic Bible-relevant meaning, exegesis means finding out what the Spirit originally was saying through its author in that Bible passage.

The process of exegesis involves

1. Observation:      What does the passage say?

2. Interpretation:  What does the passage mean in context to the surrounding text?

3. Correlation:       How does the passage relate to the rest of the Bible?

4. Application:       How should this passage affect my life?

Eisegesis [ < Greek eis- (into) + hègeisthai (to lead). (See 'exegesis'.)] Definition: A process where one leads into study by reading a text on the basis of pre-conceived ideas of its meanings. It is rare for someone to be called an 'eisegete', because eisegesis has a well-earned negative reputation.

Hermeneutics [ < Greek hermeneu(te)s (interpreter). ] Definition: The science of interpretation of a story or text, and the methods used in that science.