Proverbs 4:20-22 (NET)
20 My child, pay attention to my words;
listen attentively to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your sight,
guard them within your heart;
22 for they are life to those who find them
and healing to one’s entire body.
NET © [draft] ITL
NET © for they are life to those who find them and healing to one’s entire body. 1
NET © Notes 1 tn Heb “to all of his flesh.”
“Consider the work of Calvary, a perfect work, perfect in every respect and perfect in every aspect.”
The Sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary Provided
- Forgiveness for Sin
- Cleansing from Sin
- Healing for Our Physical Bodies
Derek Prince, “Derek Prince - The Man Behind the Ministry (1915 - 2003)”, https://youtu.be/b5XfkDI-Frs?start=2745
Romans 10:17 (ESV)
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.Romans 10:17 (NET)
Consequently faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the preached word of Christ.Romans 10:17 (ADMIN)
Consequently faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the spoken word of Christ.
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At that stage I developed the skin infection on my feet…
[44m 00s]
Prayer for his foot condition by a Salvation Army missionary…
Anointing of Holy Spirit and word of God about Calvary: “Consider the work of Calvary, a perfect work, perfect in every respect and perfect in every aspect.” [see above]
[47m 25s]
I knew the Lord. I knew I could pray and I just was wondering why I was sick. I became very depressed. I said to myself, I know if I had faith God would heal me”. The next thing I said to myself was, don’t have faith”. I was reading my bible faithfully and one day I read Romans 10:17 [see above] … and I latched onto that phrase “faith cometh” and I said to myself, if I don’t have faith I can get it.” So then I said, “How does it come?” and the answer was, “by hearing the word of God”. So I decided I’m going to read the bible through - I had plenty of time – from beginning to end and I’m going to underline certain themes with certain colors. Then I choose for healing the color blue. So I started at the beginning of the Bible faithfully underlining in blue everything that had to do with healing. You know what I had at the end? A blue Bible. I mean nothing could have ever convinced me more completely how much healing is a part of God’s total provision. But I still had this problem that I was a philosopher. The training of philosophers is to make simple things difficult. So, every time I read “healing” I thought, “Yes, but that is only for your soul, God isn’t interested in your body, it’s just your soul.” So I went along and didn’t get anything until I got to Proverbs chapter 4 verse 20 and following. … [see verses list above] … And I said to myself that settles it, not even a philosopher can make flesh mean soul. So then I saw that the marginal meaning [written in the bible’s margin] medicine then if I’m sick the word of God can be my medicine. And being a medical orderly I asked myself, “How do people take medicine?” In those days is was three times daily after meals. So I decided that’s what I would do, take the Bible three times a day after meals as my medicine. After a couple of months my condition had considerably improved but I was not fully healed. And I was discharged from the hospital at my own responsibility. I went back to the base depot in Cairo and about three days later I was posted to the Sudan. Well Egypt was an unhealthy climate by the Sudan was worse. In the Sudan I had very few options, I had no choice of diet, I had really no choice of lifestyle. All I could do is take the Bible as my medicine three times daily after meals.
- Derek Prince, “Derek Prince - The Man Behind the Ministry (1915 - 2003)”, https://youtu.be/b5XfkDI-Frs?start=2612&end=3033
Derek Prince was eventually healed completely from the skin infection in his feet. The Lord gave him a gradual healing in keeping with Derek's daily reading of God's word.